Statement of Sandra Steingraber on Behalf of Americans Against Fracking
Chicago, Ill.—”As science advisor to Americans Against Fracking, I salute Illinois Speaker of the House Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) for supporting a moratorium on hydraulic fracking in the Land of Lincoln. The alternative, a regulatory bill co-authored by the oil and gas industry, would place Illinois’s drinking water, air, forests, farmland, and the health of its people, in grave danger.
“Its rules afford trade secret protection for fracking chemicals, and allow drill rigs to be erected just 500 feet from homes, churches, schools and hospitals. It would also provide loopholes in emissions controls that would allow toxic, climate-destroying gases to be vented directly to the atmosphere.
“As a downstate native, I am grateful that the speaker of the people’s house in my home state is showing leadership instead of resignation on this issue, and I entreat my colleagues in the environmental community to join the speaker in his strong support for the moratorium bill. It wouldn’t be the first time that the actions of Illinoisans stirred a national movement. In the words of abolitionist Elijah Lovejoy, it’s time to ‘come up to the rescue and let it be known whether the spirit of freedom yet presides over the destinies of Illinois.’”
Contact: Kate Fried, Food & Water Watch, (202) 683-4905, kfried(at)fwwatch(dot)org
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