Statement of Food & Water Watch Executive Director Wenonah Hauter on behalf of Americans Against Fracking
Washington, D.C.— “President Obama’s comments that he supports accelerating liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports is great news for the oil and gas industry and bad news for the rest of us. It means that communities across the United States could soon see drilling and fracking accelerate. It also represents a clear acknowledgement by President Obama that this is his decision, and suggests that he will own the resulting damage inflicted upon our water, air, land and climate.
“Drilling for oil and natural gas in order to accelerate natural gas exports will not make the United States more energy secure. If anything, it just goes to prove that the current quest to frack America is really nothing more than a capitulation to the aggressive lobbying tactics of the oil and gas industry as it scrambles to identify new sources of capital.
“We cannot sacrifice the health and vitality of U.S. communities to the interests of an industry determined to pollute everything in its path simply for the sake of turning a few extra profits. We urge President Obama to reconsider his position on LNG exports and to implement policies that would enable the rapid deployment of truly renewable energy solutions.”
Contact: Kate Fried, Food & Water Watch, (202) 683-2500, kfried(at)
Americans Against Fracking is composed of the following groups: For more information about Americans Against Fracking, visit